One of my favorites

Slussen the heart of stockholm?
One of my favorites

Slussen the heart of stockholm?
Klistermärken, for the win
two years ago I went for a walk together with my camera and we found some really nice stickers...

We are the world

Place, medborgarplatsen Stockholm
Trekanten, lucy theif
This stickers can bee seen anywhere in stockholm.
Its a lucky theif folks, as simple as that.

Its a lucky theif folks, as simple as that.

Are we still alive?

To me, graffiti is a sign that this place is still alive, or at least its not forgotten.
Sombody was here with his/her spray and left a mark to the rest of the world.
Hi guys, Im really sorry Ive been so busy.
Im a member of a dance group called unique freakz and we have been practising a lot and yesterday we hade a photo session. Took a hole lot of pictures for our coming preformances and website.
Visit my personal blog to read more about this and my life
I wish I could uppdate this blog more often, and I really apreciate all your positiv comments.
Just makes me wanna keep going!
Thanks a lot// A street lover
Im a member of a dance group called unique freakz and we have been practising a lot and yesterday we hade a photo session. Took a hole lot of pictures for our coming preformances and website.
Visit my personal blog to read more about this and my life
I wish I could uppdate this blog more often, and I really apreciate all your positiv comments.
Just makes me wanna keep going!
Thanks a lot// A street lover
Colours on a wall, liljeholmen



Haha, i love this kind of stickers. They always make me think a lot and sometimes smile a bit.
Like this one, "fan" shit. I would like to see the hole sentence but well thats impossible now since some one got angry and tried to remove the poor sticker...


Keep your eyes open the stickers are watching over you.
Fatuburen, medborgarplatsen

Now this is art. Couldnt stop looking at the fotos when I found them some days ago on my way home from stockholms dance center. I love it! It gives me such a feeling. How can people just walk by with out noticing this kind of stuff? I gotta ask somebody...
Sthlm Subway stories
Join me on a ride in Stockholm Subway stories and see how the graffiti artists leav their mark in the ounderground.

On my way home from my breakin class i spoted this throw up.
I thikn its kinda cool being red and yellow and then the cinema neon lights in the background.
My friend Dani, didnt agree though but i still like the pic.